
There will be only two terminal examinations and a final examination. All subjects will be marked out of 80. 20 marks will be allotted for mid-term test/continuous assessment. Continuous assessment means that a student’s work is evaluated during the assessment period. It is not the result of one test. Obviously, the methods of assessment will vary from subject to subject and may vary according to teachers within any one-subject area. Teachers will use a variety of methods and procedures such as home work, assignments, short tests in class, full period test, projects, practical work etc. to assess student’s progress during the assessment period.

Promotion will be granted on the basis of the final examination and the year’s average. Definite reference is also made to attendance and general aptitude for the higher standard.

  1. 80% minimum attendance is a must for promotion. The decision to promote is made by the principal in consultation with the staff and his decision is final. After the first and second terminals, answer scripts are given to the students and then collected to be preserved for a month. Answer scripts of the Final Examinations are not given to the students.
  2. To pass in a subject one must obtain a minimum of 40% marks.
  3. Students with warning in a major subject (English, Maths, Science, or Language) will automatically be detained if they fail again in the same subject in the following year.
  4. Answer scripts will not be kept beyond 30 days after the distribution of Report cards after each terminal examination.
  5. When required, parents are notified of their child’s deficiency by a special printed slip, which should be signed and returned.
  6. Any dispute regarding fees, evaluation of answer sheets, assessment of marks, promotion, prizes etc will rest on the decision of the Principal.
  7. Recheck (Final Exam Paper) : In a very rare case, when a guardian has a genuine reason to doubt his/her ward’s result, he/she may wish to appeal for a recheck. The procedure to be followed is given below. Apply to the Principal of the school in writing, stating clearly your reason for a recheck within a week after the result. After the Principal approves the recheck the ward’s parent / guardian must deposit Rs 20/- per script and submit the receipt to the office. The findings of the recheck will be intimated to you within 15 days of the payment. Recheck means- checking to see whether there is any mistake in totalling or in transferring the marks. It does not mean re-evaluation.Totals and Ranking systems have been abolished, Instead, we have introduced honour cards according to the following criterion.

Distinction : for those scoring 80% and above in all the subjects.
First Honours : for those scoring between 65% and 79% in all the subjects.